I have never heard a Jehovah's Witness say the words: "I believe in Jesus our Lord", except when challenged by Christians they are encountering.
When JW's talk among themselves, it's all Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah.
"He descended into hell".
JW's would NEVER say this. His tomb was above ground. There was nothing to descend into according to WT indoctrinated JW's.
I couldn't help but notice how you forgot the most important point that applies to us:
10. the forgiveness of sins,
Wt. teaches that since 1935 new believers are not justified (no forgiveness of sins).
JW's believe in working for their Salvation and reject the New Covenant for the forgiveness of sins, like you.
I have asked you many times to justify your personal rejection of the new covenant "for the forgiveness of sins" Jesus offered in Mt. 26: 27-28. But you refuse to defend your position. Why?
Why not just come out and say that you believe in another way of Salvation other than the new covenant, the one that carries the blood value of God's only-begotten?
Isn't that an accurate evualation of your position?